Mastery of Circle

Hold containers for deep transformational experiences the feminine way … to increase your income, impact and influence

The #1 Advanced Circle Leadership & Facilitation training and heroine’s journey for business owners, coaches, therapists, spiritual teachers and movement facilitators who crave more depth, connection and community in their work

Join Us Sister!

Special Pricing Ends 

Saturday, December 31st, 2022


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You’ve always been a leader.

The one who others can count on, the one who has held it all.

You’ve been strong, determined and a high achiever.

Right now, you are working hard, doing the things, but it’s feeling off.

Your work feels a little meh, and you want to take it deeper.

You’re doing it all alone and you’d rather be collaborating and co-creating so that it’s more fun and inspiring.

Circle calls to you.

Something about it pulls you in. Like an ancient whisper, a remembering.

You’ve felt disconnected from this deeper part of yourself. Like it’s been hidden.

Circle is what you’ve been looking for, this sacred container to hold other women.

And secretly, you want to be held too. To have women have your back.

So that you can come out in a bigger, brighter way to do the work you were brought here to do.

It’s time to become known for your soul essence, and seen for your divine beauty and radiance.

It's not about throwing out what you've done and who you've been up to this point. It's about INTEGRATING all of your gifts, talents, skills and genius into a transformational circle container.

That's exactly what you'll do.

What is Mastery?

Mastery is a year long certification program to train women to become the embodied feminine leader and master facilitator who:

  • is connected with her feminine soul and brings her gifts to the world, becoming more visible as her true self, instead of with the mask

  • guides groups through transformational experiences to increase her income and impact

  • weaves circle distinctions into all areas of life to increase your influence as a respected community leader

Why Mastery?

There is a difference between beautiful sister circles and phenomenal paradigm shifting transformational group work.

  • Build Real and Authentic Community

    You'll be the leader who builds community, which is so much bigger than an individual circle

  • Remember and Reclaim the Feminine

    This is what makes our training stand out: you'll bring the sacred feminine into your work to make it more magical

  • Create Deep, Profound Healing Experiences

    You will take participants deep into themselves through the art and form of creating containers that penetrate the heart and soul

  • Rise up into Your Power with Grace

    You'll embody confidence that comes from deep within and radiates out in a way that others feel it and are magnetized to you

Mastery happens when ...

you confidently navigate the “low” within the group space - holding space for the mess, conflicts, and individual and collective shadow
take the group into an ecstatic “high” - where they are connected with themselves and feel the gushy joy of being in an oxytocin filled sisterhood

This requires leadership, not just facilitation.

It’s both an art form and a skill set that brings together your soul and your humanity. This integration makes you stand out and become someone with genuine influence in the world.

This is for you if ...

You have been feeling the pull to go deeper and desire to create containers where participants have a life-changing experience, and …

  • You aren’t a newbie, you’ve been awake and consistently doing spiritual work and you are ready for the next layer to be uncovered

  • You’ve got the masculine down pat, it’s served you well in the past but it’s exhausting

  • You’ve been the strong one all your life, the one who’s muscled through and made things happen, with lots of accomplishments, and now it’s time to receive

  • You crave depth and want to experience more balance, feminine flow, connection, pleasure and sisterhood in your life and business

  • You are ready to make good money doing your soul work, the thing that fills up the deepest part of you, and when you feel into circle, something comes alive within you … a vision, an inspiration, a knowing

  • You know you need to release control and trust, but the vulnerability of allowing others to hold you feels scary and uncomfortable

The 4 Pillars of Mastery

A Curriculum Based on Intensive Coaching, Ongoing Practice, & Real World Implementation

Goddess Circle Collage

Feminine Leadership

Embark on a Rite of Passage Initiation and Practice Ongoing Embodiment

  • Discover and Understand Your Core Wounds and Gifts - Witch, Mother, and Sister - to come into your feminine power

  • Clear and Release Your Limited Beliefs with the Feminine Freedom Method to unravel the conditioning holding you back

  • Embrace your own Darkness to Hold Space for the Shadow in others

  • Reconnect, remember and reclaim the feminine power within yourself to better see it in others

  • Integrate the masculine and feminine to rebirth yourself as an embodied leader

  • Practice the 13 Circle Distinctions so that they become second nature

Sacred Facilitation

How to Hold Deep Space in a Transformational Group Setting

  • Master the "Transformational Circle Outline" so that you can easily follow your intuition as to what's needed in the space

  • Practice 11+ Sacred Facilitation Tools that help you navigate sticky situations and better read the group dynamic

  • Teach a group how to co-regulate and navigate a mess together

  • Case Studies: How to handle the 7 worst case scenarios so that your container doesn't fall apart

  • Hold a Container for the "7 Biggest Breakthrough Moments of the Feminine" which is where the deepest healing is at

  • Create ecstatic experiences that bring the group up out of the chaotic messiness

Craft Your Offerings

Create the Container to Bring Your Medicine and Message to the World

  • Tune in and align with your soul medicine so that it comes through in your work

  • Become masterful at delivering your message to attract more clients and increase your impact

  • Create and refine your circle introduction, program and retreat so that you have 3 solid offerings that build on one another

  • Identify your "3 distinguishers" that make you stand out from other circles and transformational programs, attracting your ideal clients

  • Practice enrollment and registration to create sold out programs and/or retreats

  • Feel worthy of receiving money for your soul work so that you can increase your income

Guide Individuals Deeper

Learn the Feminine Freedom Method and Become Trauma Informed for Hot Seat Coaching

  • Learn how to regulate the nervous system so clients can go deeper and heal trauma

  • Take women into their body to safely feel big emotions - this is huge to increase vitality and confidence!

  • Guide someone to identify blocks and limited beliefs and get out of their own way

  • Help a participant get the message instead of shooting the messenger, which helps them navigate big triggers by getting to the source

  • Ask potent questions to dig deeper and create safety with your listening

  • Learn somatic release techniques to move stuck energy in the body and create more freedom and space

Mastery is a deep dive into sacred facilitation, feminine leadership, nervous system regulation, trauma healing, feminine led business practices, ritual, ceremony, visualizations, meditations, cycles and rhythms, and connection with the cosmic mother energy.

The Support Structure

For 12 months, you are held in a tight container that consists of weekly circles, practicum, and coaching with 2 opportunities to experience in person retreats.

  • Rite of Passage into Feminine Leadership Retreat - Feb 2023 ($7,500 value)

    Experience and learn how to hold containers for the “7 Biggest Breakthrough Moments For the Feminine” and deep dive into unraveling conditioning

  • Unlimited Coaching via Telegram Messaging ($5,000 value)

    You have unlimited access to group coaching via telegram, a phone messaging app. Share what you are struggling with and your trainer will respond within 48 hours.

  • Monthly skills practicum call ($2400 value)

    Focus on a different facilitation skill and practice it either in a group hot seat or in breakouts

  • Monthly circle call experience ($1200 value)

    The group gathers in an online circle where 2 participants co-lead a transformational group experience and receives feedback from a trainer to uplevel your skills

  • Monthly embodiment call ($2400 value)

    Focus on embodying 1-2 leadership distinctions and bring it into the body through ritual, movement, guided visualization and other activities

  • Monthly coaching & accountability call ($2400 value)

    Bring your case studies, ask questions related to your business, and receive hot seat coaching to hone your leadership, facilitation and business skills

  • 3 1:1 coaching sessions ($1200 value)

    Work on releasing blocks with the Feminine Freedom Method or get coaching around your offering, messaging or business

Plus These Bonuses

  • Business of Circle Video Modules ($2,000 value)

  • Mastery of Circle Video Modules and Guest Mentorship ($2,000 value)

  • Rite of Passage into Feminine Leadership Retreat #2 ($7500 value)

  • Lifetime membership to Facilitator Tribe ($997 value)

This is an uplevel

There are a lot of sister gatherings and circles out there that lack substance and transformation. You can elevate above the noise and make a tremendous impact on the world when you craft your signature circle experience and lead from truth, power and love.

Join Us Sister!

I invite you to master the art of feminine leadership and sacred facilitation so that you live and breathe the circle distinctions, becoming the embodiment of the work that gives other women permission to rise. Together.

About Tanya Lynn

I have dedicated my life to this work.

I am committed to empowering the leadership of as many women as possible, and creating a culture in the world where every woman is loved, accepted and celebrated as her true self.

My genius is in “being with” what’s alive in the container and working with it to create an experience of “truth”.

This is the magic.

And because I have done the deep work on myself, I am what you see. There is no smoke and mirrors, no pretense.

I am both powerful and messy, connected to my soul and my body.

I’m here to train the women who are high achievers, brave and tenacious, who aren’t willing to give in to their fears. Ever.

And yet they are ready to embrace their softness, tenderness, vulnerability and gentleness to create safe havens for women to fall apart in and be put back together again by their sisters.

We are at a critical moment in history where more people are open to receiving the feminine, and now we just need more leaders to guide the way into the sacred mystery.

By going into the depths of circle where the sacred feminine mystery lies, we create a new world paradigm of connection, collaboration and co-creation.

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