Tanya is the visionary bringing the Sistership Circle mission to life and has been facilitating, coaching and leading groups of people since 2006. She co-founded Tribal Truth in 2010 and created women’s communities all over the world including California, New York, London and India. She wrote the books Open Your Heart: How to be a New Generation Feminine Leader and How to Lead Circle. She recently started raising her own little new generation feminine leaders, Kali and Summer.
Brent is the genius behind the automation, systems & technology at Sistership Circle. His supportive masculine has transformed Tanya’s vision of “Women’s Circles Everywhere” into an organization with a framework to support women creating their own circles across the world. An entrepreneur at heart he started his own journey on the internet with his first company MyDayRegistry.com in 2008 and has since developed numerous businesses from the ground up through web and brand consulting.
Sharlene is devoted to a life of contribution and service to women who are ready to be real, refreshed and radiant. She loves being a women’s life coach, a women’s circle & workshop facilitator, a vegan & macrobiotic cook and a macrobiotic consultant.
Her passions include teaching women how food, in all its forms (especially food, sisterhood, & transformative communication), can be used as a gateway to the divine and as a means of aligning with one’s true nature.
She is currently leading monthly & 6 week circles & workshops in Peterborough and Cambridge in the UK, as well as leading virtual circles and a How to Lead Circle Trainer.
Join the How to Lead Circle waitlist here.
Dr. Judith Belton (known as Dr. Jai) is a Master Facilitator with Sistership Circle, Somatic Coach and Trauma Recovery Coach with an earned doctorate in Pastoral Psychotherapy. She has designed her life to be the version that serves a higher good for all. Her decades long professional accomplishments in special education, addictions, mental health, and trauma informed practices all rely on her ability to assist in a client led process developed through her authenticity and empathetic listening. She loves a good joke, laughing, dancing, being near water (lake, stream, ocean or bath tub), and being with family and friends. Most of all, Dr. Jai enjoys circle work that creates a sacred container of love and trust to support each sister’s journey. This foundational framework is evident in her coaching programs and circle work designed to hold space for women to heal the sister, mother and father wounds that might prevent a woman from standing in her true feminine power. “No sister left behind” is Dr. Jai’s favorite phrase, backed by a wholehearted approach to supporting women. You can also catch her reading, crafting, visiting museums, researching artifacts, taking pictures, and interacting with women across the globe. She’s particularly excited about the development of her Healing Collectives that are based on Sistership Circle’s framework of sacred space and empowering women. “I’ve spent, as I am sure others have, a part of my life living according to the negative messages that I received from early childhood and other trusted adults. I’d like to think they didn’t realize the magnitude of what they said but when I made the decision to reclaim my power and feminine essence all I had to do was come back to my heartbeat.” My natural rhythms and I have reconnected: I’m not tied to a specific outcome and have fully embraced all of me: “the authentic me.” Not having biological sisters, made me build my female support group from a young age. These women have watched me laugh, cry, held me up, supported and encouraged me and celebrated with me. This all done from a place of loving support. Disconnection from who we are often begins in our childhood and we can spend the rest of our lives trying to be who we think others believe us to be. I have designed my life to be the version of me that serves a higher good for all.
Natasha has a passion for supporting women to reclaim their power and come back to living in a way that allows us to be both wild and untamed and live more harmoniously. Valuing our connections to the Earth, our Wombs and our Sensuality. She shows women they CAN create a life that holds space for their desires to be met through powerful embodiment rituals and movement.
When she stepped into Sistership Circle, her world shifted dramatically and she was able to recieve powerful support and healing. There is incredible value and importance in women coming together to do this transformational work. With over 10 years experience working with women in the health and wellness industry, welcoming this ancient process and feminine wisdom has been the most potent piece of the puzzle.
Let her guide you to reconnect with who you are and reclaim your birthright as a women: a life that lights you up and is led by your wild soul.
Join How to Lead Circle here.
Lyn is a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher; certified aromatherapist; author and spiritual healer for more that 35 years. As a single mom; Lyn’s journey started in 1995 when first diagnosed with breast cancer; a journey, with many lessons and many obstacles. Starting with a 2 year battle which consisted of 8 surgeries; 6 for cancer. That was when she decided to change her own path and heal her life. Thus began her journey with an intimate connection with her inner Goddess; her divine feminine. This brought her to become the healer and teacher that she is today; but that is not the end of her story. She journeyed through her pain to find purpose.
Creating balance was the key for Lyn to be able to integrate both light and shadow; masculine and feminine aspects of her own Divine Feminine soul. This began a new journey; her life long passion to help women go deep within and connect with their own unique feminine powers; to be all they set out to be. But one thing was missing; her own belonging. Joining Sistership Circle gives Lyn a place to feel and to be all that she knows her soul to be. It embraces her abilities to share all that she is and all that she has to offer. It allows Lyn to provide a safe container to hold space for all that are present; including herself.
Lyn is a creative soul and loves all things Creative & Magickal!
Isabelle Bridges is a Change Maker who is committed to making meaningful contributions that creates a positive impact in this world by redesigning what it means to be a mom. She is on a mission to support mothers in finding their passions and purpose that will make their hearts sing while still being a great mom. She is the host of the “put the me back in mommy Summit”, an online series that aims to support moms in living lives they love and founder of Mom-ME Circle. You can learn more about her at IsabelleBridges.com.
Rae Irelan is a multi-faceted creator, visionary entrepreneur. She blends cultural influences, sacred instruments, healing modalities, improvisation, and the arts into her unique programs, events, performances, productions, and leadership style.
She is the founder and CEO of The Goddess Fest, a weekend boutique campout of 300+ people who gather to celebrate mother earth and those who “dance” on earth. Rae founded the worldwide online women’s personal develop and support groups; Global Goddess and Creative Vessel Leadership Program. She has been published in 3 books, produced many dance/music shows and events, recorded 3 albums, and tours nationally with her SD Music Awards 2017 band, The Moves Collective by the young age of 25.
Rae enjoys traveling to connect and collaborate with thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEO’s around the globe. Her mission is to bring awareness to art and culture appreciation, holistic health, community growth, and sustainability to engage and inspire future generations to create magic in a globally connected society while living to their fullest potential and following their dreams.
After completing Mastery of Circle Leadership and successfully bring circle distinctions into her work and owning her worth in a major way, we invited Rae to bring her magic as a trainer in the How to Lead Circle 12-week Program.
Emma is our Community Manager at Sistership Circle. She looks after our different communities making sure they have everything they need to lead circle and feel supported, loved and celebrated. She loves connecting with women all around the world and feels such a sense of wonderful belonging being part of the team. She’s a qualified life coach and circle facilitator. Her purpose in life is to create safe and nourishing spaces for women to feel seen, heard, accepted and celebrated.
©2021 Sistership Circle, Inc.