“Deepen into Presence with the Priestess” Circle Outline & Marketing Materials



In this circle outline, weโ€™re activating the Priestess archetype and holding space for the light and dark, the masculine and feminine.

Weโ€™re embracing the darkness within us and accepting all that is, knowing that when we do, we will find it easier to deal with challenging situations in our lives.

We will re-ground and centre ourselves, tapping into our divine feminine knowledge and wisdom. We will see beyond the veil of our shadow and hold sacred space so that we can increase our capacity for transformation.

We will speak up, share our hearts with each other, awaken our intuition and rebirth our inner Priestess.

Imagine if more women embodied their Priestess, what might be possible?

This circle outline includes:

โœจ MEDITATION to call upon and activate 3 powerful priestesses: Isis, Inanna and Mary Magdalene

โœจ INTIMATE SHARINGย with sisters to reflect on which parts of yourself you struggle to accept

โœจ RITUALย to adorn and anoint you as a Priestess

โœจ STORYTELLINGย to learn about how to honour and embody the Priestess within

โœจ MOVEMENTย to allow the rage, grief and bliss we experience in life to flow through you

โœจ RITUALย to meet your shadow and drop deeper into your acceptance of the light and dark within

Also included is:

  • marketing materials for your event page and social media
  • a video where you can experience a virtual circle being held with this outline
  • outline in Word document so you can edit and add time stamps and other notes
  • a handout for the circle


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