Feminine Leader Archetype Activation



Over the course of history with secularization and industrialization, women lost touch with the ancient art of circling and forgot the power of the feminine.

One of the ways we are remembering is by activating the divine feminine archetypes.

Archetypes are universal, mythic characters that reside within the collective unconsciousness.ย 

When we activate these different archetypal energies, we are able to expand our capacity to lead in our lives and businesses.

These archetypes teach us what our strengths are as well as our weaknesses.

Get all 4 of our Feminine Leader Archetype Activations including:

The Queen ($47 value)

In this Activation, we focus on everything flowing with ease and grace by:

– stepping into sovereigntyย 

– setting healthy boundaries

– serving from your heart

– speaking your soulโ€™s truth

This includes tools, three visualizations and a ritual both written and in audio mp3 format.


The Mother ($47 value)

In this Activation, we focus on no longer losing yourself and giving yours power away, so that you can:

– ask for what you need

– put on your oxygen mask first

– allow yourself to be held

– have more sustained energy

This includes tools, two visualizations and a ritual both written and in audio mp3 format.


The Priestess ($47 value)

In this Activation, we focus on trusting in a power greater than yourself, giving you the space to:

– walk as the embodiment of love

– connect with your heartโ€™s desire

– feel ecstatic energy that in your body

This includes tools, two visualizations and a ritual both written and in audio mp3 format.


The Wise Woman ($47 value)

In this Activation, we focus on:

  • connecting with your intuition
  • receiving wisdom from the 4 elements of nature
  • sharing your message with the world
  • grounding into your power

This includes tools, three visualizations and a ritual both written and in audio mp3 format.

Total Value: $188


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