“Live on Purpose” Circle Outline & Marketing Materials



Life is a moving prayer.

The Priestess guides you to connect with what matters most in your life, to allow the feminine within you to be in devotion.ย  She teaches you to be present in the now, while drawing down the support of the divine to create, moving through your life as if it is a prayer.ย  A prayer to call in more and more of what you desire to experience, by beginning to live it now.

Each moment of the day you have an opportunity to shift your energy, to bring yourself back to mindfully engaging with yourself, your family, your friends, the world.

Each moment of the day you have the choice to connect with the Priestess and practice the art of devotion.

It is time to step back into your power and live life on purpose.ย  To let go of the โ€œwoulda, shoulda, couldaโ€ and instead move with each next step a blessing.

At this monthโ€™s circle, weโ€™re calling on the Priestess to guide us into sacred connection with our lives.

Join us as we practice being more present, more aware and more on purposeโ€ฆ

This circle outline includes:

โœจ MEDITATION toย identify the aspects of the false self, removing the masks that are creating disconnection.

โœจ INTIMATE SHARING to connect with what it means to be ON purpose and present.

โœจ MOVEMENT to transition you from living in the head to living in the sacred body.

โœจ RITUAL to walk as the Priestess and create a vortex of energy to flow out into your life.

Also included is:

  • marketing materials for your event page and social media
  • a video where you can experience a virtual circle being held with this outline
  • outline in Word document so you can edit and add time stamps and other notes


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