“Reclaim Play & Fun” Circle Outline & Marketing Materials



What if you had a safe space to reconnect with your inner child?

What if you had a sacred space to dream, dance and giggle with your sisters?

That’s exactly what this circle outline is all about!

Come activate your magical inner child and connect with your fairy godmother.

Through Playfulness, we integrate our spiritual adult and our inner child to step into Power & Presence with Freedom.

The more integrated these two are, the more magnetic you’ll be as a leader and create even deeper engagement and connection with the people in your life.

In this circle outline:

✨ MEDITATION to wander into an enchanted forest and meet your fairy godmother

✨ MOVEMENT to let go, cut loose, and have fun

✨ INTIMATE SHARING with sisters to reflect on your relationship with your inner child

✨ RITUAL to bring the playfulness and marry it with your adult maturity as a leader to bring the magic to your life

✨CEREMONY to embrace the magic already within you

Also included is:

  • marketing materials for your event page and social media
  • a video where you can experience a virtual circle being held with this outline
  • outline in Word document so you can edit and add time stamps and other notes


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