Spring Equinox Circle Outline

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $27.00.


This time of year marks when night and day are of equal length and in perfect equilibrium – dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, in balance. The natural world is coming alive, the Sun is gaining in strength and the days are becoming warmer and longer.

In this monthโ€™s circle weโ€™ll be doing a little spring cleaning, awakening from our winter slumber, and creating a representation of something we wish to birth into the new season.

Weโ€™ll gather in circle to cleanse, release, move, and share our hearts with our sisters. Weโ€™ll be creating something for us to take home that honors the themes of awakening, possibility and new beginnings.

In this circle outline women will experience:

* RITUAL to spring clean our energy and emotions ready for the new season

* MOVEMENT to stir and awaken to the possibility of new beginnings

* INTIMATE SHARING with sisters to share what has been birthed from winter

* RITUAL to create a symbol that represents the Goddess Ostara and what might be possible

* CEREMONY to share intentions and blessings with your sisters


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