What are archetypes and why are they important for us?
Universal, mythic characters — archetypes — reside within the collective unconscious of all women. According to archetypal psychology, all of these energies are within you regardless of your age, life experience, or personality. When we activate the different archetypal energies-whether through experiencing them in circle, ritual, music, myths, poetry, stories, or art … we enhance and encourage their particular qualities within us. We come to more fully EMBODY their power and learn to call upon their specific strengths as we need them. We also become aware of how their shadow sides may be playing out in our lives unconsciously.
You can compare archetypal expression to genetics: the blueprint is there, but what gets expressed is based on what in the environment calls it forth.
For example, if you want to step into your High Priestess as a leader, put yourself in a High Priestess environment — read, study, dance, experience her energy — and you will invoke her powers in YOU. It’s magical.
The High Priestess
Light Qualities: activator, spiritual channel, healer, keeper of rituals, medial woman, holds sacred space for women and circles, connected to her intuition and knowing, has masculine structure and feminine flow in balance to create safety and healing for others, can tap into Source for healing of self and others rather than own limited resources, cultivates vulnerability and courage in self and others, speaks her truth, knows how to be fierce with no-bullshit and still come from pure love.
Shadow Qualities: Can use spiritual gifts and her gifts of seduction to manipulate or hurt others, can direct negative energy, anger, and outbursts towards others, becomes lost in inner world, can mislead those who trust her, abuse of power, can be overtaken by rage or passion
Examples: Isis, Ixchel, Medicine Woman tribe leader in Avatar, Mary Magdalene, yoga teachers, most all the women stepping into leading women’s organizations and communities today in the world carry this energy
The Queen
Light Qualities: has a regal presence, speaks with eloquence, leads with power and grace, has compassion and kindness but is firm and unshakeable, lives with integrity, asks for what she needs and wants, is inspirational, attracts devoted followers, makes decisions for the highest good of her community (or her family, business, or country), takes the lead with ease, has that magical, magnetic and charismatic quality, manifests more while doing less, beauty exudes from the inside out.
Shadow qualities: tyrant, dictator, using one’s charisma negatively to get others to serve them, irresponsibly seductive to those who worship her, aggressive and greedy when given too much power
Examples: Isis, Medicine Woman tribe leader in Avatar, Snow White (in Snow White and the Huntsmen), Meryl Streep, Oprah, Marianne Williamson, Grace Kelly, Angelina Jolie
The Mother
Light Qualities: Embody unconditional love, nurtures self so burnout does not happen, practices generosity and compassion, sees others in their highest potential, has unconditional patience but knows how to use tough love, knows how to be selflessly giving but not lose self, holds tremendous depth and space for her “children” to come home to.
Shadow qualities: martyr, overbearing, selfless to the point of loss of self, selfish, unable to let go and let others be their own people, controlling, competitive with her “offspring”, neglectful of those dependent on her, abandoning of her “children” whether they be her creative ideas or actual children.
Examples: Isis, Demeter, Gaia, Mother Mary, Mother Theresa
The Wise Woman
Light Qualities: Embodies deep feminine presence, moves always from her deepest intuitions, trusts the ancient knowing within her, knows her own life experience is sacred, draws upon her ancestors wisdom and the energy of the earth for guidance, doesn’t sweat the small stuff-knows what really matters in life, exudes maturity of years and wisdom.
Shadow Qualities: dark witch, reclusive, disconnected from humanity, rigid, bitter, resentful, senile, foolish
Examples: Sophia, Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, The Grandmothers Council, Maya Angelo, Jean Shinoda Bolin
Starting on March 21, we will be facilitating a 12-week Circle to Activate these Feminine Leadership Archetype, which you can learn more about here.