Since moving to Costa Rica, many people have got in touch to ask what Tanya’s experience has been like, and for her to share any tips she has if you’d like to visit or move there. In this episode, Tanya shares what her go to resources have been since moving, and how the jungle of Costa Rica has been the medicine that she and her family have needed.
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Coaching/Program Offering:
Interested in leading circle?
Thinking of joining us for our next How to Lead Circle training?
Check out our 1-day Immersion Leadership Training on March 6th, where we invite you to own who you are, blossom into your full potential and become more visible in your feminine leadership.
You don’t have to be leading circles (yet) to participate! This training will give you the perfect opportunity to taste test our container at Sistership Circle, and experience the power of our community training. You’ll also be training alongside our Sistership Circle facilitators on this transformational journey.
We are focused on your visibility as a leader, regardless of your type of business. So, if you’re wondering if this is for you, trust your intuition that led you to this podcast episode, and join us!
Consider/Ask Yourself:
What do you want to gain clarity on in your life right now?
What fears have you been experiencing?
What unresolved traumas have been coming up for you?
Tanya’s Question:
How do I learn to step fully into my medicine woman?
Tanya’s Key Insights and Ahas:
She recognises old triggers and patterns of feeling too much and that no one likes her.
She recognises that when triggered she wants to feel held.
She’s had many times of needing to stop, release, cry and unravel.
Her experiences at Burning Man were the meeting of the tribes
She tapped into her intuition, and ability to trust and surrender to move to Costa Rica.
She experienced immense difficulty and tension in her marriage.
She felt like everything was falling apart and unravelling.
She’s been calling in her medicine woman – her medicine is bitter but it heals her.
She recognised her medicine has been showing up in total bitch mode, and no one wanted to spend time with her.
There is medicine for her in ‘icky’ interactions, such as friendships.
There is medicine for her in the wildness and mystery of the jungle.
The breath has been a big theme for her.
Her number one value and hub is school and community.
How to be BRAVE:
Recognise that you’re in a place of uncertainty since COVID and that can trigger fears.
Identify where you wish to gain more clarity in your life.
Focus on the number one value that is important to you when making decisions.
Follow the clues, do your research, listen to that thing you value the most.
Embrace the future, knowing you may not have all the answers at this exact moment.
Trust that the medicine will come your way.
Takeaways For You:
Listen to your calling, trust your intuition and then surrender.
Be brave, confront your fears, know who you are and you’ll find your fears will fall away.
Surrender to the medicine you need to receive.
Trust that your future is full of unexpected goodness and prosperity.
Sign up for our 1-day Immersion Leadership Training.
Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey
Down to Earth (episode 3) on Netflix
Keys to the Kingdom by Alison A. Armstrong
Breathe by James Nestor
1-day Immersion Leadership Training
Sign up for our next How to Lead Circle program (April 2021)
@tanyapaluso on Instagram
@sistershipcircle on Instagram