In a world focused on outward success based on masculine performance, how do you shift into a feminine wealth consciousness?
In this episode with Tara Grace, we explore what becomes possible when your relationship with money shifts from scarce to sacred and how the feminine plays an integral role.
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Listen to Episode 48 as Tanya & Tara Uncover:
- The 3 main feminine archetypes as a framework to shift your consciousness with money, pleasure and luxury
- How to decode your unique psychology with money and understand both the gifts and shadows
- The relationship between your nervous system and money
- The #1 hinderance from becoming a millionaire
What you’ll discover:
3:10 – intention to upgrade our consciousness around wealth
4:30 – how our nervous system is wired – fear, scarcity, lack, separation
5:05 – success/performance
5:45 – money revolution
7:00 – shift from achievement of goals to self-actualization of our higher self
9:20 – De La Diosa timeline vs. allowing ourselves to be guided and be who we need to be
10:55 – nervous system relaxes when we are embodying trust
12:00 – shift from proving to presence
13:45 – upgrading our verbiage
17:30 – from launching to leading
How to architect a new reality
18:45 – Lakshmi
19:20 – archetypal embodiment
3 major archetypes that shaped Tara Grace’s life
19 years old: imitation into Wisdom & Support as newly single mom
23:00 – Sacred contract as Priestess – devotion to love
25:15 – co-create with the divine through prayer vs. doing it in our own strength
26:35 – what would become possible if your relationship with money was sacred?
27:20 – walking the path of love
27:45 – quiz, Tanya’s results and how to take it
28:30 – 3 initiations as frameworks: priestess, queen, goddess
29:00 – decoding your unique psychology with money through wealth psychology assessment – gifts and shadows
32:20 – nurturer
35:35 – Light is light
38:00 – connector
38:50 – celebrity
39:30 – what happens when you pass judgment
40:20 – call in luxury – venus quality
Empowerment as women with money
42:45 – 1974 – women had to get permission to buy property
44:44 – #1 hinderance from becoming a millionaire – not giving myself permission to enjoy the fruits of my labor
48:20 – permission to lean in with curiosity where we are denying ourselves
How do we take priestess lens for the celebrity as sacred
Goddess = infinite receiving and pleasure
Ruler – benevolent queen
50:58 – masterclass
Power Quote from the Show
25:50 – “I give myself permission to rest easy knowing that life has my back. That all of life really is organizing around my success, that I live in a benevolent universe that has my best interest. That there is so much divine intelligence and support that’s here to guide me, to give me the wisdom, and I’m willing to ask, and I’m willing to live my life in devotion.”
Links from Today’s Show
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Women’s Circle Ritual Handbook:
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About Tara Grace
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Masterclass details: Coming soon
Wealth Quiz: Coming soon
About Tanya
Tanya Lynn is a “strategic activator” and the visionary CEO of Sistership Circle, a global organization that offers leadership training for women to reveal themselves and step into their power, so they start their own circle business. Tanya has been internationally facilitating, coaching & leading groups of women since 2006. Along her journey, she has found that balancing the masculine and feminine holds the secret to BEING a brave woman who is fully seen, heard, and celebrated as her true self while actualizing her dreams.
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