EP 52: Build community with depth, authenticity and integrity

Have you always been a natural leader and are typically the one to initiate connection? It’s time to own your gift and create the community of your dreams! Tanya shares a lifetime of experience in building community including how to deal with issues that come up, shift ownership and control to a co-creative leadership model, and build community both online and locally in person.

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Listen to Episode 52 as Tanya Uncovers:

  • The four stages of every community and how having this awareness can support a community to thrive
  • The #1 mindset shift to create the community of your dreams
  • How “heart resonance” is a critical aspect of community building to change the world

What you’ll discover:

2:30 – the homestead meme

2:50 – story of Tanya growing up in community
5:45 – mindset – if I don’t create it, I won’t be included/invited – light and shadow
7:50 – how to empower the leadership in others without me being there
9:30 – circle theme – everyone is so busy, people want community but not able to be present in it
11:15 – fitting in vs belonging – getting out of ego
You are only free when you realize you belong no place—you belong every place—no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great,” Angelou told Bill Moyers in a 1973 interview.
calling out and compassion for ego
15:15 – The Different Drum – M Scott Peck
17:30 – 4 stages of community
17:57 – stage 1:  psuedo community
19:30 – light aspect
20:22 – stage 2: chaos
21:50 – spiritual elitism
22:10 – if not dealt with, the community/circle falls apart and leader is scapegoated
23:40 – stage 3: empty out
25:20 – stage 4: real community
27:00 – how this is the antidote to the cancel culture prevalent today
28:10 – diversity as important aspect of community
28:50 – how to navigate challenges with this framework
30:00 – back to “tribe” – ache
30:45 – feeling bored and desiring depth in social situations
32:25 – we create our world through our thoughts – first step to create community is changing the thoughts and words coming out of your mouth – flip the switch “I’m calling in”
35:40 – calling out and emptying out the judgment to create community at the party
36:30 – the choice you have
37:10 – the community is connected through a core circle who holds the values and the facilitator who holds that
39:20 – heartmath – understand frequency of the heart – tracking and harmonizing
42:20 – harmonizing an “aum” chant as an example
43:45 – a calm nervous system impacts all the nervous systems around – group co-regulation

Power Quote from the Show

You are only free when you realize you belong no place—you belong every place—no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great,” Angelou told Bill Moyers in a 1973 interview.

Links from Today’s Show

The Different Drum book by M. Scott Peck

Free Book:

Grab your free startup kit to start your own Women’s Circle: www.sistershipcircle.com/sp/art-of-leading-circle-startup-kit/

Women’s Circle Ritual Handbook:

Get the Spring Handbook: https://sistershipcircle.com/sp/womens-circle-ritual-handbook-spring/

Subscribe to the Brave Women Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-brave-woman-podcast/id1548724581

Ready to build your community?

If you are someone who feels the call to become an influential community builder, email me to connect: support@sistershipcircle.com

About Tanya Lynn

Tanya Lynn is a “strategic activator” and the visionary CEO of Sistership Circle, a global organization that offers leadership training for women to reveal themselves and step into their power, so they start their own circle business. Tanya has been internationally facilitating, coaching & leading groups of women since 2006. Along her journey, she has found that balancing the masculine and feminine holds the secret to BEING a brave woman who is fully seen, heard, and celebrated as her true self while actualizing her dreams.

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