EP7: Feminine Spirituality and the Rise of the Goddess

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This episode is for you if you are someone who has had a journey of self-discovery via your conscious contact with a power greater than yourself. Tanya shares her experience with navigating through religion, spirituality, and meditation that took her into feminine empowerment. 

The power of a woman’s body and her sexuality is tremendous. As this power has been oppressed in the patriarchy, we as women are recognizing the root of the problem is within the core of the culture. We base God as a father symbol, which separates women and nature from divinity and power. 

Questioning the points of disconnection of women and their sovereignty within our culture is important to do when creating a feminine uprising. The symbol of this new culture is the Goddess, who doesn’t rule the world, but IS the world.

Ask yourself these questions:

What are the benefits of reclaiming the Goddess for me? How does feminine spirituality look for me?

In what ways does masculine power play a role in my life? Is there any suppression that I can take action to address?

How am I healing the sister wound?


The Spiral Dance by Starhawk

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