On Sunday, I had a meetup with two of my soul sisters, Ina Lukas and Kenlyn Kolleen. Our conversations are always rich with inspiration, depth and accountability. The theme of our lunch was: “what’s the edge you are playing on?”
Ina is a master storyteller, and her share was mindblowing as usual; channeled wisdom from her soul. She was talking about her latest project, and dropped a truth bomb on us about Sinead O’Connor.
You might remember her.
Shaved head, fierce, angelic voice.
The time she sang Bob Marley’s War song on Saturday Night Live in 1992 and at the end, shocked everyone by ripping up a picture of Pope John Paul II and yelling “Fight the real enemy!”
She was banned from NBC for life.
Here’s the clip:
A few weeks later, at a Bob Dylan concert, she was booed off stage.
Kris Kristofferson whispered in her ear: “don’t let the bastards get you down” and wrote a song about it in 2009:
Here’s what she said about it in a Rolling Stones article published in May 2021.
A lot of people say or think that tearing up the pope’s photo derailed my career. That’s not how I feel about it. I feel that having a number-one record derailed my career and my tearing the photo put me back on the right track. I had to make my living performing live again. And that’s what I was born for. I wasn’t born to be a pop star. You have to be a good girl for that. Not be too troubled.
I wasn’t comfortable with what other people called success because it meant I had to be as others wanted me to be. After SNL I could just be me. Do what I love. Be imperfect. Be mad, even. Anything. I don’t define success as having a good name or being wealthy. I define success by whether I keep the contract I made with the Holy Spirit before I made one with the music business. I never signed anything that said I would be a good girl.
What Ina shared was that Sinead was standing for something – the end of child abuse by the church – way ahead of her time, before people were ready to hear it.
It was the witch wound all over again.
Burned, cast out, ostracized for speaking up against the patriarchy.
Interestingly, her book Rememberings just came out (I just bought it). Fitting name, as we, spiritual women talk about “remembering” who we are as the divine feminine. It’s a call out at the perfect timing.
Ina heard the call and shared it with us. She’s facing the edge of her fear around the witch wound as she steps into her project, speaking her truth as a medicine woman and channel.
Sinead is the embodiment of the divine feminine rising. She’s fierce and she’s soft. She’s unapologetic, wild and free. She’s shed the skin of the good girl, following the beat of her own drum, standing in her sovereignty.
She let go of being liked and compromising herself spiritually.
What a warrior.
It was exactly the medicine I needed after I had recently declared that I will be holding Truth Telling Tuesdays every week at 9am PST as well, prioritizing consistently showing up to speak over excuses like I’m too busy or just don’t wanna.
We are being called more than ever to rise up into our leadership.
Are you willing to release the good girl and stand in your truth? What would that look like for you? What declaration are you willing to make?